Deadly Classics 

Destiny before Vengeance 

This move requires a bomber to be equipped with destiny. The setup requires some luck, because using destiny is only possible when an enemy is in the sector. Additionally, you do not control where the teleport goes. However, when the stars align up, then you can use the short 2h teleport of destiny to carry the vengeance blast with you and increase carnage.



Signature Moves 

Tricky’s Trap 

When enemy is approaching set a barrier up to hold them in place. Time destiny to occur as soon as they get into range. Be careful that you must have an enemy in sector to trigger destiny. Teleport or destiny can be used to get away. Bond can counter barrier.



Phenom Pit 

Use bond to carry enemy off into group cerberus. If done right you take no damage and enemy is killed. Be careful not to put enemy in area he has advantage like behind our front line.



OP₂eration Delta Storm 

Beginning of a match everyone launches a delta rocket and then jumps back out to switch modules. This will launch a hail of rockets at the enemy forcing them to spend time protecting their transports or lose them. If done correctly it should only kill a couple minutes to jump out, swap the module, and jump back into the White Star



Darrow’s Dispatch 

In a close game 1 relic can be the decider. Using Dispatch on the planet with the most relics can keep their transport from collecting them. Doing this with multiple transports at a say a four hour interval they will never be able to get relics from the planet that has the most.

Chained Rat 

Chain ray has farther range than any other conventional weapon. Using barrier trapping an enemy at a range that your chain ray can hit them but they are too far away to reach you. Trapped like a rat!

Written by: Venom
Category: Guides
Hits: 48