
Weapon: Mass Battery or Battery

Shield: Regenerating Shield, because you can use Red Star Life Extender to buy time and recharge it

EMP: To help against the destroyers. Their pulse doesn’t work while they are disabled

Teleport: Navigation and positioning. Get out of the Red Star more safely, or position more aggressively

Solitude: The damage!

Repair Drone: To recover from some of those unforgiving mistakes

Decoy Drone: To make the Cerberus Colossus less intimidating with a counter to their laser

Stealth: Transports will benefit greatly by not being hit by Cerberus Interceptors during the time that the battleship is going in to kill it


Being on top of a Bomber 

Avoid this at all costs. The bomber will shoot missiles that have virtually no travel distance, so they explode without having had time to be destroyed. This will incur deadly damage to your battleship

Moving towards a bomber’s missiles 

Although not a deadly maneuver, when you move towards the missiles they will be destroyed but their destruction explosion damage will put considerable impact on your ship. Ideally, you just avoid these situations unless you’re in a rush

Being inside the Cerberus Destroyer’s vengeance 

The red circle around the Cerberus Destroyer is not its pulse! It’s vengeance. And it will do 5k damage to your ship if you are inside it when the destroyer dies, or if the destroyer blows up the planet while you’re attacking it. Whatever happens, don’t be in that red circle when it explodes

Getting cut off by interceptors 

Interceptors will only spawn next to planets. If you clear them out of the sector before bringing in any support ships, you will only need to deal with the ones that spawn after. A common mistake here is to set your miner to go to the exit jump gate after it has extracted all the hydrogen needed. This is only safe to do directly if there are no planets along the path! Unfortunately, after it has begun its journey an interceptor can decide to spawn next to a planet that cuts the miner’s path. Because interceptors only move between planets, the exit jump gate is always safe from them

Tactics for Success 

Exit and Recharge 

You can always jump your battleship out, use a crystal to heal it, and send it back in. If you are only playing with 1-2 battleships, then having one waiting in the Yellow Star with the correct loadout can also “recharge” you very quickly

Save the Max Planets First 

The destroyers spawn about 1:40s after the start of the Red Star. Killing the 3 Cerberus Bombers stationed at the max-level planets will make dealing with the destroyers a lot more manageable. Once the destroyers are gone, then it is reasonable to focus on the hydro farm and lower level planets which can begin being used for Red Star Life Extender

Hydro Farming 

If you need more hydro, you can always cast Genesis and Enrich multiple times by waiting for the cooldown to complete. This is handy as there is usually only one hydro sector. Just be sure to avoid mining the hydro so that Enrich can be most effective. You can do this up to 3 times

Rules and Tips for Playing with Others 

The last person to be “ready” begins the scanning 

It gets confusing when multiple people are all scared to touch the button

Don’t do things to make it harder for other players 

If you go into anyone’s sector you will break their Solitude and potentially get their ship blown up. Even being in a neighboring sector will make the bomber shoot additional missiles which can strain their shields. To prevent these, use the temporary movement marker to communicate your intentions first, before locking in the move. You can do this before a Teleport as well

Highest level Genesis / Enrich does the job 

Only one person can use Genesis, and same for Enrich, so the player(s) with the highest level should be the ones to run it

Use Red Star Life Extender 

Everyone can contribute by bringing in transports and running Red Star Life Extender on the lower level planet’s artifacts. This helps everyone have more time to do their business and avoid mistakes

Written by: op2rules
Category: Guides
Hits: 82